For anyone who wants caffeine to wake up in the morning. Coffee and green tea, which is better for health ?

Caffeine in coffee vs green tea
If you look at the amount of caffeine in coffee and green tea. in the same amount of drink Coffee has three times the amount of caffeine than green tea. A 240 milligram serving of coffee contains about 96 milligrams of caffeine, while the same amount of green tea contains about 96 milligrams of caffeine. It has about 29 milligrams of caffeine.
The ideal daily intake of caffeine should be no more than 400 milligrams per day for adults, 100 milligrams for adolescents, and 2.5 milligrams for children.
that means If you want to drink coffee Should not drink more than 4 glasses per day, while we can drink up to 13 glasses of green tea ever. (But we shouldn’t drink that much.)
With coffee being more concentrated in caffeine Drinking coffee can cause our bodies to wake up immediately. in no time But drinking green tea If you sip little by little throughout the day It will help keep the body awake throughout the day as well.
benefits of caffeine
- Increase energy, stimulate the body to be awake.
- Reduce physical and mental fatigue
- increase the ability to make decisions or respond to things faster
- Increase your ability to burn calories while exercising.
- Improve your ability to remember and improve your mood.
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Health benefits and harms of coffee vs green tea
Both coffee and green tea contain antioxidants. that reduces the risk of cancer It also contributes to weight loss. And L-Theanine in green tea also helps relax the mind. Can reduce stress too
However, drinking coffee or green tea Especially drinking coffee or green tea that contains a mixture of creamer, sugar, syrup or various sweeteners. May increase risk of obesity Cardiovascular disease, blood lipids or type 2 diabetes , including excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages. It can cause a condition of “caffeine addiction” that, if not drunk, will cause abnormal symptoms such as headaches, irritability, and irritability. to depression, depression, lack of concentration and insomnia
Coffee vs green tea for caffeine What is healthier to drink?
Both coffee and green tea have health benefits, if consumed in moderation. Preparing Drinks the Right Way May be able to make us drink coffee or favorite cup of green tea safely and with more benefits as follows
- Use paper coffee filters to brew. Help reduce the amount of cafetol (cafestol) in coffee, which is a substance that increases the risk of cholesterol in the blood.
- Drink coffee and green tea without adding other ingredients such as milk, sugar, honey, syrup, cream, sweeteners, etc. if you want a sweet taste or aroma. can put cinnamon or nutmeg instead It also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity.
- If you really want to add milk Switch from regular milk to low-fat milk.
- Add a little lemon juice to the green tea. helps the antioxidants in the tea to be absorbed and utilized in the body even more
- Do not drink more than 4 cups of coffee per day and do not drink after 4:00 PM.
- Drink more than 4 cups of green tea per day, it’s true. But should not only drink green tea all day. and should drink water as well